“Mom, is there really a Santa Clause?” my daughter asked me last night. I think so, I answered. How else would all of these presents show up each year. Now she is ten years old. She still believes in Santa Clause. But, she is trying to figure it out. “Well how does he get all these presents into all these houses all over the world?” I told her it’s just magic. No one can really explain it. But, I asked her, do you really want to not believe in him? Are you willing to risk that? Are you willing to say it out loud and maybe not get any presents under the tree? “No,” she said. “It’s much more fun believing in him.” I agreed. And I told her you never get too old to believe in Santa, the magic of the holidays, or the spirit of the heart. At Christmas, people all over the world become Santa. They do special things for their family, friends, and strangers. People who don’t know each other send gifts, and food, and care packages. That people collect toys to give to sick children and clothes to give to the homeless. That every one of us loves to play Santa every year. And the spirit of giving is what keeps Santa alive.
My daughter was very happy. She wants to play Santa, too. We are adopting a needy family for Christmas. The family lives in our community. They have a ten year old boy and a seven year old girl. We cannot wait to go shopping for them. “But won’t Santa bring them presents?” Yes, he will. But we are here to help him. We are his helpers. We are all Santa’s helpers. We could all use a little bit of Santa in us. So go drop off a pie, bring someone a coat, send a soldier a package, and you will realize the joy is in giving. Ask your school counselor for needy children you can give to. That is what I did. I found out there are eight needy families in our elementary school. Times are really tough.
People need help. We can all play Santa.
I always choose and angel or 3 from the angel tree that is (was) always put up at out local post office. Mind you I am not Christian but I love the angel trees and I love the beautiful decorations of this season. But a few years ago I was heart broken to find the post office didn’t have an angel tree anymore. I asked the post master why there wasn’t an angel tree this year. I was informed by a very sad Postmaster that they could not put up the tree anymore. I was so upset. I told the Postmaster “but its not about religion, its about helping the community! You were doing a service to the people of this community with that tree and bringing us all together to help one another.” The Postmaster sadly agreed and told me to write my congressman to bring the trees back. I go to the local churches to find my angels now but I’m still sad to loose my favorite tree. I love playing Santa, it warms the heart.
Why can’t they make it a mitton tree? At our school the tree has paper mittons hanging on it with what the children need. It is terrible for the post office to not do this to try to rally the community. But, you could always call the schools. The counselors know which children are in need. I just dropped off some new pajamas, hats and gloves for some children. I love doing this.
I never forget the very first day my child discovered SantaClaus, you put a smile on my first and a tear in my eye.
Thank you. Merry Christmas!