So before our day gets crazy busy with cooking and wrapping, I wanted to come here and wish all my gals a beautiful Christmas. God Bless you and your families. I know how hard you are all going to work to make sure your children have a beautiful Christmas morning. And we all deserve a tap on the back from Santa. Good work girls. It is a lot of shopping to get to this point. But lets all remember the real meaning of Christmas. And I am not talking about Jesus’ birth. I am talking about the goodness in our hearts. To me more than Christ being born Christmas is about being there for others. Christmas is about reaching out. Christmas is about helping our neighbors and lifting people up. So today, on Christmas Eve who can we call? Who can we help? What can we do? What little thing can we do that would really make a difference to someone else. And what small gesture can we make that would make someone feel special on Christmas morning. I forced my daughter to watch “A home of our own,” last night. And I cried throughout the entire movie. When the town people come to help the family rebuild their house I was just hysterical. Do we still have that type compassion in America? I know we still have this spirit in us. Lets all pay it forward and do what we can to keep the Christmas spirit alive. I believe that is the best gift we could give Jesus. And I know it is the best example we can set for our children.
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