If you leave your baby in a hot car you are a selfish pig and your child should be taken away from you. If you leave your child in the car it is because you are lazy, and stupid. Having a baby is a huge responsibility and a huge gift. I am thrilled that Georgia father is getting a murder charge for leaving his 22 month old in the 92 degree blazing sun ALL DAY. First of all I have a few questions. My kids never went to day care. I am lucky. But I imagine that if my child did go to day care all day and it was just a little baby I would call during the day a few times to check up on him. Do parents not do this? How could a mother let her husband who never drives the child to day care, drive him, and then never call to check up on him? Am I the only mother out there who would call to make sure my husband dropped off the kid? I know I would be like, Honey, how did the drop off go? Did you remember to give him this and that? So it is pretty obvious that these two pigs, the husband and wife wanted this child dead. I read an article last week where a mom blogged about how she is in a support group for mothers who left their child in the car and the child died. She is guilt ridden every day. And she wants forgiveness because people make mistakes. Uh, no. I am not forgiving you. I never left my kid in the car to die. I never left my baby in the bathtub to drown. I never left my kid at the mall. Am I a bettet parent? Uh, yes. And it takes special care to raise an infant to adulthood. Our society has become a society of moron mothers texting while their babies are running into the street. We are country so self absorbed that people are more interested in chatting on social media than talking to their own families in person. We are so careless that we disregard our little babies and just accept year after year dozens of parents killing their kids in an oven chamber. Every summer there are 39 deaths, of little babis who baked in their parents cars. And so this one man, this one example of this slob in Georgia, I hope will be a start of more parents getting charged with murder. It is murder! Take time to care for your children and remember that THEY COME FIRST NOT YOU! YOU ARE NOT MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I completely agree!! I forget that my kids ARE NOT IN THE CAR rather than that I have them. I am always in the mindset that I have child with me. I cannot believe parents leave their kids in the car long enough to die. There was a video shared on Facebook that was unbearable to watch. While the video was all acting and the child was not harmed, my heart ached because of the agony that I could imagine these little helpless babies go through.