I keep hearing on tv and in real life “this is the worst natural disaster in America’s history.” This is not a Natural Disaster! This is a man made horror story. Created by greedy men who did not want to insure the safety of our gulf. The bottom line is the bucks. In Norway where fishing is their way of life there is no chance they would take to destroy their water, their country, their livelihood and all of their oil rigs are built with emergency shut down valves. Offshore oil rigs have an emergency shut off device, something currently not mandated by U.S law. This is required in Brazil, Norway, nearly every other country that has deep off shore drilling. These valves should have been mandated by law by our government. But the oil lobby is strong. And Americans are stupid. Drill Baby Drill! Remember all the Americans who wanted to drill here in America? We have so much oil why shouldn’t we use our own? And all the critics of the environmentalists making fun of any laws to protect or wetlands or our fish. Well look at us now. What a mess. What a sin.
If this isn’t the ultimate slap on our wrists I don’t know what is. American Greed is ruining America.
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