Maybe this year was a bit of a wake up call for us all. That anything can happen at any time. We have to remember how life is a gift and to never take advantage of it. Being happy is a choice and as far as I am concerned, so is being healthy. Every year I write the same thing, and here it goes again, more important than ever. What are we going to do in the new year to be better? Usually I am talking about getting in shape, or getting our houses in order, but this year, I am begging us all to get our country in order. But what could any of us do to stop the evil people from ruining our lives. It’s easy. With love, faith, and good, we can overcome. The majority of people are good and decent. And while I believe we have seen a complete moral breakdown in this country, we can all force a change through example and demand. We need to use our money power and our big mouths to demand businesses and politicians do the right thing. And through generosity kindness, and love we can lead our communities through example. I believe every person has a good heart. How can we reach them. Every child has a future, how can we motivate him? Every person needs someone, but not everyone has someone to count on. Can we be counted on? The internet has caused us to be isolated and disconnected. How can we reach out to each other? What are we doing to preserve the family? What are we doing to promote old fashioned values and traditions? We need to get back to basics. We need to get back to the dinner table. We need to get back to what matters. And we need to lead the way. How much are we helping? What are we doing to help make our world a better place? It starts right now ladies. Join me. Merry Chistmas and God Bless us all in the New Year!
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