I love Autumn. My husband makes fun of me. He thinks I am dark and gloomy. That is how he sees the fall season. I see it as warm and cozy. I love wearing sweaters. I love my Uggs. I love making stew and chicken soup. I love my tea with honey and I love the color orange. Summer is wonderful no doubt, but once the chilly weather rolls in, it is time for staying home and nesting. There are so many wonderful ways to spend your weekends at harvest festivals, picking pumkins, baking apple pies, and stuffing scare crows. It’s easy to build an outside fireplace. Dig a circle in the ground about three inches down, about three feet wide, edge it out with blue stone piled, overlapped, about six inches high, add a couple of logs, some spiked apple cider, a few friends, and a starry autumn night. Dinners are warmed with comfort foods such as macaroni and cheese, crock pot dishes, and roasts. Plant mums on your porch, decorate your house with gourds and pumpkins, and buy some pumpkin candles. Cozy up and enjoy.
Amen, sister! Fall is my absolute favorite season and I am ready. Love the backyard firepit idea. I’ve been listening to your radio show from September 2008 and cannot believe how relevant if not more relevant your words are now in 2011. Your voice is missed. Glad to see you hear on the blog!
I now live overseas in a tropical climate and MISSSSS the FALLLLL!!! I love it and try to create the same fall feeling here however it isn’t easy. Tonight I was lucky to find a pumpkin candle in a shop and it is blazing on my counter with Snickerdoodle cookies in the oven and coffee brewing on the stove. FAMILY “FALL” time tonight in our home. THanks for all the wonderful reminders about this fall season.