Don’t you just hate when you throw a party or have a get together and one obnoxious guest drinks all of your beer? Or wine? Or scoops every last bit of dip out of your bowl? Through the years I have had my share of annoying and over-bearing guests who just don’t seem to know when to stop themselves. The best part is, they come empty handed. If you are going to drink 6 bottles of beer, you should bring a six pack. If you plan to drink an entire bottle of wine, you should bring a bottle. If you are bringing a gift, then it is another story. For birthday parties, or weddings, of course, it is implied that you get food and drink in return for your gift. But what shocks me always, is on holidays, or gatherings, when guests show up, with nothing. Bring something. I can afford to give you enough alcohol until you are completely inebriated, but it is just rude for you to squeeze every drop left from my keg, and not bring something. And for goodness sakes, do not bring an open bottle or half a cake. I have had guests come with a bottle of wine they had in their fridge, already opened, and one time someone brought me half a pie. Their children just had to dig into it before they left. Really? So maybe I am a picky host. Maybe as I am getting older I am just sick of everyone. I am tired of always doing and getting nothing in return. I love to entertain. I love to treat my friends and family. But I am not going to keep giving and doing. I am done with that.
I understand exactly what you are saying. I have always been saddened by the lack of people appreciated an invitation to your home. Even a simple “THANK YOU” is difficult for some… Pitiful. However I would never have an issue with half a pie or desert. WINE….MMMM not ok. The desert thing not to big a deal as long as it was displayed appropriately or given to me quietly for me to enjoy as an appreciation. Just my thoughts. My favorite is a sis in law that scoops up every left over and takes it home… a food theif. THAT REALLY FROSTS MY COOKIE!!!!!
Sorry I meant to post lack of people appreciating and invitation. AND … a food thief. OPPS spell check was off tonight.