Change the way you think and the way you shop. This holiday season I saw sales like never before. The retailers realize we are not going to pay full price for anything and we have to keep the momentum going. So, only buy on sale. From food to clothes, be selective. Do you really need it? Can you wait? What can you get instead? When it comes to grocery shopping there is always going to be a sale. And when something is a great price, buy a few. Last week whole chickens were on sale for 99 cents per pound. I picked up four. I love my chicken soup. On Sunday go through your grocery store advertisement and plan your menu on what is on sale combined with what you already have in stock. The other day I found a roast in my freezer that was over a year old. I was so upset that I had to toss it. Use clear freezer bags and date your meat. Eat it within three months of freezing. Sometimes I stock up too much and I forget what I have. I vow no cow will ever die for no reason again. If you have to be killed, I will make sure I eat you. And so many times I have thrown out rotted vegetables and fruit. I buy too much and it just sits there. So buying on sale just because it is on sale is not good if you aren’t going to use it before it rots. So plan your menu. Herbs are always expensive. Plant an herb garden in your kitchen. Keep it in front of your window. It will make you happy every day. Prepared and short cut foods cost way more. Pre-cut veggies will cost you three times more than non cut. And really, are you that busy? Slice your own apples. And complain. Let your store manager know you expect to see more sales and double coupon days. Ask for a rain check when an item runs out. Ask for a discount if a can is bent. And make sure you sign up if there is a store discount card. Walmart has people fooled to think their prices are so much cheaper. But beware. Look around. They lure you in with a few cheaper prices on milk or cereal but their meat and produce prices may not be cheaper than what you would find on sale at your grocery store. You may have to make two trips to these stores to get all the sales, but it is worth it.
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