Have you noticed how the flu is everywhere? It seems like every single person I know has gotten the flu this winter. On Christmas Day Hannah and I had the flu. I thought I was going to die. I could not move my body. It lasted 24 hours. Then I was still ill but I was not wishing for death. I did not get the flu shot. Neither did Hannah. But everyone else who I knew who got the flu, all got the shot. So is the point of the flu shot? The National Institute of Health states “getting the flu shot does not protect you fully and if you get the flu it should lesson the severity.” But what if jabbing your body with THE FLU, actually gives you the flu? What if sniffing a live flu virus up your nose, infects those immediately around you since it is a LIVE VIRUS? I know many people think I am crazy. But this makes sense to me. And what about children given the nasal squirt at the doctor and then sent to school. That cannot be good. The strange thing is they have this vaccine that is supposed to prevent or lesson the flu, but why don’t they have a shot for when you actually get the flu? If they can make a vaccine, why can’t they make an antidote? You only get the shot when you actually have the flu. That makes more sense to me. But, illness is our only industry. Obesity, depression, the flu, cancer, and balding really are our big business now. Oh, wait, plastic surgery. Without these diseases and fixes for them, where would we be. Imagine if we instead practiced preventative measures to keep us healthy. When was the last time your doctor told you to take extra vitamin C this season so you don’t get a cold. Did they tell you to boost your vitamin D3 to keep the flu away? Did you know you could take the spice Tumeric with water to lesson the flu? There are so many home remedies. And if you believe GOD was smart enough to make this world, don’t you think he gave us the gifts to cure ourselves? Every medicine is made from something natural, or mimics it. We have all the answers we need right in front of us.