Did you know money is the number one issue couples argue about? Not sex. Not the in-laws. But the all mighty dollar. It’s very sad. Over the past eight months I have heard one story after another. I get emails and letters from women all over the country telling me this recession has destroyed their marriage. Hard to believe? Can you hold on to love when there are lies about money?
Is your husband trying to save you from pain by covering up the debt or is he leaving you vulnerable. If we are the Happy Housewives Club we obviously believe the woman should be home taking care of the family. This means the man should be out providing for his family. This is what I believe. These are our roles. But with a recession and men out of work more women are back in the office.
A recent poll you may have seen all over the news is that more women are working in marriages than men. WHAT? So there you see on the evening news that women are the higher paid, primary bread winners now? Is this because there are more females graduating from college than men? Are women getting the better jobs? Or is it that men are losing their jobs in this recession and the usually lower paid female positions are getting filled?
I really don’t know what the answer is, but the question I pose to you all is how this is going to change the face of society and our families? If our men continue to lose decent wage jobs and can no longer support a family, how will the structure of the traditional home change? Will women not be able to be homemakers in the future? And, will more men have to play Mr Mommy? How would you feel having to work full time while your husband was home? And how would he feel? Do you think a man feels emasculated when he isn’t the provider? Do you think women feel resentment when their men aren’t bringing in the bacon?
hi, it’s really nice to read your blog. I enjoy reading them. I live in Shanghai, China. And I am thinking of being a hosewife, while I don’t think my husband’s salary can support our family.I AM not happy at work because I work for the money not interest. Also, my full time job is not well-paid. Lots of frustrating things happened at the beginning of this year, which have driven me crazy. But it’s good to find this website. thank you for sharing