Are mean mommies raising little meanies? Or is this the new survival of the fittest? This conversation is nothing new to The Happy Housewives Club. We have all been through this drama with our girls. But where is it going and why is it so bad today? I recently had a conversation with a friend about what a great time I had in high school. She spoke about how girls were catty and how she tells her young girls not to trust girls. I told her I thought that was just awful. Why tell young girls this. I don’t believe all women are catty. I don’t believe all girls are that way either. She told me of the fights she had in high school. I never had a fight. I teach my daughter to be nice and hold her tongue. But she has had girls say a lot of nasty things to her. After three or four comments, I instruct my daughter to snap back. If you tell me I am ugly, I am going to tell you your ugly. Really. You cannot let people walk on you. But, why do girls say such things? Why is there this nastiness beginning at such young ages? I don’t remember any of this in grammar school. You had your friends, that was it. We didn’t go around trying to torture other girls. And no one ever hit each other. Now you see these girls ganging up on other girls, three, four at a time on one girl. This is terrifying. Is it the media? Is it the social networking? Facebook is scary. Who knows what can be said there. Anything can be put out there and it is viral. How can we make our kids not care? I do remember the ‘slam’ books where people did write nasty things about other kids. This was in high school. But, that book could be destroyed. Once it is on the net, it is never coming back. All we can do is make our daughters feel loved and secure at home with their family. We all have to be involved with who our daughters are friends with. I don’t want my daughter hanging with the hootchie-mama girls who think they are cool. I want her to be smart, self confident, and happy. And I am teaching her that there are so many wonderful girls in the world. She will find them. I have.
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