So a few of my girls have been writing that women are actually asking them if they feel like they are wasting their college degree staying home with their children. Many of my fans have their college and even graduate degrees, but have left their careers behind to stay home and raise their family. In a discussion about whether or not “The Mommy Wars” really exists, a few women mentioned that they are questioned about their choice to stay home. This is nothing new. But accusing women of wasting their education by being a stay at home mom makes my blood boil. What backwards hick kind of thinking is this? How is an education ever a waste? Isn’t being smarter better for any person and better for society? Doesn’t an education open more doors and give a woman an opportunity to re-enter the workforce when the children are gone? Most importantly isn’t it more of a waste of a degree to sit in some wasteland job that gives you no satisfaction? I know plenty of pencil pushing jobs where people are not living up to their potential or their education? Now that’s a waste right? Wouldn’t smart, educated women, raise their children to be smarter and more successful? I just read a study that showed college educated women stay married 78% of the time compared to non college educated women who stay married less that 50% of the time. So right there, that is proof a college education is an investment. But maybe I am wrong. Maybe it is a big waste of an education, money, and years to throw it all away because you are going to be home changing diapers, talking baby talk and bending over for your husband, so why go to school at all? Why bother getting a high school degree? Why bother learning anything?
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