Most of us here at the Happy Housewives Club are mothers. We are not always happy, but we try to be. And at the worst moments in our days, going crazy with our children, would we kill them? Mothers killing their children is nothing new. Just a few months ago a Florida mom shot both of her teenage children for talking back. They both died. Julie Schenecker, 50, shot her 13-year-old son, Beau, in the head twice and shot her 16-year-old daughter Calyx in the face as she was doing homework at her computer. This mom lost it. We all know about Andrea Yates drowning her children. Five of her babies. Horrifying. She was depressed for years. So was Julie. Her military husband was away for a long time. She told him she was going crazy. She told him she wanted to kill the children. How many times have we all said that? How many times have we all thought we were going to lose it? But we don’t. Why? Are some of us more rational than others? Do some of us have more help? Do some of us have family members to depend on? I wrote in my book how I got through my on the edge moments by hiring mommy helpers so I could nap. But what if you have no one to help you? What if you are clinically depressed? What if you have a chemical imbalance? The question is how do we know? How can we spot a Julie Schenecker or Andrea Yates? How can we help her? And how do we spot a Casey Anthony? Casey is different from Julie and Andrea. Casey didn’t snap and lose it. Casey wasn’t clincally depressed. Casey never cried for help like Andrea did begging her husband not to leave her home alone with the children. Casey had her parents doting on her daughter’s every move. Casey instead decided she wanted to be alone. She wanted to party. So she plotted and thought about how she would murder her own baby. And this to me is so horrifying and so upsetting that I cannot grasp it. She didn’t snap. She committed calculated murder. Go look at the pictures of Julie and Andrea on their cat walks. Go look at them in prison. Their faces are emotionless. They are dead women. They don’t even want to live. Go look at the pictures of Casey dancing and smiling the days after she murdered her daughter. She was happy. She was not grieving like her lawyer suggested. And next week she will be released. She can be reborn. And some moron will marry her. And she will have another baby. And the cycle of these creeps go on. She isn’t even being forced to take a course in child care. She doesn’t have to go for psychotherapy. She just goes free due to her time served. But the mothers will take care of Casey with mommy justice. She will be hissed and spat on every place she goes by mothers who adore and cherish their children. She no doubtly will be jumped on by a grieving mother whose sweet two year old died of cancer or was hit by a car. She will have another trial in the malls and grocery stores of America. And that gives me a little comfort.
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