The show Toddlers & Tiaras follows stage moms and their little beauties around the country from competition to competition. What should be or could be sweet fun is exploited to what I believe is neglect and abuse. One woman takes her little girl to an auto shop to have her spray painted. While it may be ‘safe according to the FDA,’ this mom has been spray tanning her daughter since she is 11 months old. Did you hear that? Eleven months old. Why on earth would a baby need to be spray tanned? Is this mother insane? I think so. Considering our skin is our biggest organ and all the pores sucking up this chemical tan over and over, I would say it is pretty disgusting and on the edge of child abuse. This baby has no choice. I really have no problem with the cutest baby contest or beauty contests in general but how far are we going to go with these contests? Why don’t the judges outlaw spray tans? Why don’t the parents demand natural beauty. Of course we all know these moms are under fire for dressing these young girls like trashy starlets with make-up, sexy clothing, and worse yet, sexified acts. It is a shame mothers aren’t putting an end to all of this. And spraying your daughter’s very precious skin at such a young age is just sickening to me. Another mom has baby dentures for her toddler. That is right. Big white, bright teeth on a child to make her look older and again, sexy. Why not appreciate the sweet baby teeth born to these little girls? Why not appreciate their innocence while they have it for such a very short time?
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