In the spirit of the holidays I love how warm and lovely everyone is to each other. Yesterday a man gave me the finger on the road. A little old 60 something year old man in a volvo wagon flipped me the bird when I tried to go around him (I thought he was turning left) but he changed his mind, sped up, cut me off, and flipped me the bird. Merry Christmas! On line last week at the grocery store, a woman in front of me did not have enough money to pay her bill. She was searching through her purse for change and I said, ‘here, take this,’ it was a dollar, and she looked at me, made a face, and then told the check out girl to remove a box of cookies. She never looked at me again. Merry Christmas! I notice that I have so far a quarter of the cards I had last year. Many of my girlfriends now say they are not sending cards. Can’t be bothered. No time. Merry Christmas! And I just had an argument with Hannah’s school principal who refuses to allow one holiday song, not even a non ‘Christmas’ song like Winter Wonderland in the ‘winter concert’ this Wednesday. Merry Christmas! And lastly to the happy, cheerful people everywhere, I hope you remember that just a small gesture, this week, can go a long way to lift spirits this season. Smile, sing, be courteous, be kind, give and be gracious. Merry Christmas!
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